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Standard for the installation of latex production line

2014/5/26      view:
In order to ensure that the mechanical equipment installation engineering construction quality and safety, promote technological progress, improve economic efficiency, all kinds of mechanical equipment installation engineering, must according to the construction procedure of construction. From the opening to the equipment of the empty load test for construction and acceptance of work so far (to load to the trial operation of the equipment, to the load test run), each procedure and various construction activities must be in compliance with the provisions of the construction code.

(1) the equipment installation engineering should be according to the design and construction. When the construction that design is not reasonable, should be timely amendments, and by the design change approval, can according to the design and construction after the change.

(2) mechanical equipment, installation of the main or materials used for important part, must conform to the provisions of the design and product standards, and should have the certificate.

(3) the installation of various measuring and testing instruments, apparatus, instrument and equipment, shall meet the requirements of current national standards, its accuracy should not be less than be precision inspection object.

(4) equipment concealed installation, should be checked before the concealed works, and make record, qualified rear can continue to install.

(5) the equipment installation, should carry out self inspection, mutual inspection and professional inspection, and deal with each procedure for inspection and record. The works acceptance, should be based on the record as the basis.

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