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The principle and characteristics of production line with latex gloves, household, industrial

2014/5/27      view:
1、Automation design of 1, fully automatic household, industrial gloves production line completely according to technological requirements of chemical properties and gloves forming materials of equipment, process is compact, the mechanical structure more reasonable; solid coating thickness, length of uniform, non vertical point, Wen Junyun, high yield, process flow characteristics.

2, the drying box adopts the tunnel drying, hot air rising principle, recovery of hot air circulating stirring, causes the machine to get the best effect under the minimum power.

3, using the principle of hot air circulation heating space effectively reduce costs; multi intelligent PID temperature control system, temperature error less than uniform gloss.

4, full automatic domestic, industrial gloves production line with high yield, joint design unique, the replacement of the mold has the advantages of simple operation, accelerate the circulation speed;

5, automatic glue, glue uniform vibration system more finished gloves fine neat, uniform thickness.

6, aiming at the defects in ceramic mold vibration is fragile, the equipment conveying mechanism adopts a guide rail special smooth operation, reliable, not crawling,

Block, meet the stability requirement of runtime delivery device.

7, full automatic domestic, industrial gloves production line adopts special high temperature resistant chain, squeezing one-step method, speed up production, increase production.
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