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Balloon printing machine independent research and development

2014/7/12      view:

The balloon surface printing enterprise business logo design, advertising, to celebrate and text advertising, to expand the visibility of companies and product sales. In USA and western developed countries still prevalent, become an important advertising vehicle major companies. With the China economic opening and development, in recent years, enterprises, more and more businesses Chinese by advertising balloons to promote their own brands. Balloon advertising as a new advertising media Chinese enterprises to enter the market, both economic and affordable. On the anniversary gift, Zhou Qing, new product promotion, sales promotion and other activities, to distribute advertising balloons, let people hand persistent advertisement balloons into thousands of households, so as to achieve the effect of advertising brand win support among the people.

Our research into the balloon printing machine production, has a strong research team, continuous reform and innovation, the machine has occupied an important position in the market, so China balloon printing industry should proceed from reality, the introduction of technology, independent innovation of course is also essential, so as to produce for the domestic market demand equipment.

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