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Modern young people favor balloon decoration

2018/3/16      view:

Modern young people favor balloon decoration

A balloon is a sealed bag filled with air or some other gas. In addition to being used as a toy and an ornament, a balloon can also be used as a conveyance. If the balloon is large enough, the gas inside is lighter than the same volume of air. When the buoyancy generated exceeds the weight of air bags and incidental objects (such as hanging baskets, hot air balloons, etc.), Balloons can rise. Therefore, they can be used to carry observation instruments and passengers. Unmanned balloons carrying only equipment are often used in scientific studies of the upper atmosphere and sometimes in the determination of cosmic rays. In most countries and cities, people like to decorate places with balloons on festival days to render the atmosphere.

Advertising value

Whether small balloon or launch balloon, hot air balloon, their advertising capabilities are increasingly strong. Meanwhile, balloon production is modern young people to create a low-threshold creative industry of choice. Quanzhou Taifeng Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. mainly manufactures latex balloon production line equipment. The automatic balloon production line can produce various specifications and various colors of latex balloons. At the same time, there are various balloon printing machines to meet the individuation of young people today, a variety of balloon printing, but also DIY self-made pattern printing, for wedding decoration, wedding car decoration, opening celebrations and so on.

Quanzhou Taifeng Machine Technical Co., Ltd. 

Sales manager : William Chou


Tel/Fax: 86-595-22861356



Web :http://www.tqelsjwm.cn

Address:No.8 North of Creative Road, Photoelectric Information Industry Base, Nanan City,Fujian Province,China

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