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Small scale knitting glove dipping machine

2021/9/27      view:

Division I since its inception, has been committed to the production of glove dipping machine, according to customer needs, our research and development and production of small capacity, medium capacity, high production capacity labor protection glove dipping machine!

Product Description 

1) the labor protection glove production line adopts continuous production mode and direct immersion mode, the film is uniform and the color is bright, and the length of the small dipping machine is 12 meters. 

2) the machine can carry out humanized design according to the curing process of various materials (natural latex, clear rubber, PVC, PU). The process is reasonable and automatically balanced glue filling system, so that the product is stable, the coating is thick and thin, the length is uniform, there is no vertical point, the temperature is uniform, the demoulding is easy and simple, and so on.

Product Parameters

澳门| 白玉县| 铜川市| 静乐县| 敦煌市| 吴忠市| 浠水县| 贡山| 灵宝市| 临湘市| 湖南省| 信阳市| 新丰县| 徐闻县| 无极县| 黑龙江省| 五常市| 德令哈市| 东丽区| 城固县| 临城县| 遵化市| 景洪市| 鸡东县| 响水县| 恩平市| 满城县| 宣城市| 河南省| 大埔县| 井研县| 财经| 滦平县| 呼玛县| 景洪市| 迁安市| 哈密市| 额尔古纳市| 南开区| 壶关县| 肥乡县|