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Balloon decoration is getting more and more popular

2018/4/26      view:

Balloon decoration has been widely used in commercial advertising, product promotion, opening ceremony, exhibition promotion, completion ceremony, gala and other economic activities.。More and more people agree that balloon decoration is a new model, ranging from public companies, government departments, small private enterprises, wedding families, balloon industry has gradually entered into people's daily life.

Balloons represent our imagination of childhood, freedom, dreams, romance, etc. Nowadays, more and more people succeed in turning balloons into a career. And it is favored by all industries.

Why today's balloon decoration market is ibecome more and more popular,  because they are creative, easy, ingenious, affordable materials, far less than its traditional decorative art form.

In order to meet the market demand of balloon, we have introduced three balloon printing machines, which can meet the color requirements of customers, but also meet the requirements of patterns. At present, it has been exported to parts of foreign regions and well received.

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